Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Morgan Family Visit

The Morgan family planned a trip to come see us and we had so much fun.  It all stemmed from the boys wanting to go to a baseball game, which worked out great for Jillian and me because we don't get to hang out much now that we moved :(.  They came in on Monday and the boys went to the baseball game that night.  So that night it was just us and the kiddos.  We ordered a pizza and let the kids play outside.  It was so fun catching up and letting the kids run around in the sprinkler, play in the pool, and eat popsicles. 

The next morning we woke up and went to the aquarium downtown.  The aquarium is great and the adults enjoyed it, but after about 30 minutes they seemed to have had enough (especially Jackson).  Good thing they are free because it would not have been worth it.  Jackson is really into being independent and wanting to walk everywhere (NOT sit in his stroller).  This is fine most places, but not when you are surrounded by tons of field trip kids!  After leaving the aquarium we did lunch at Chick-Fil-A then headed home for naps.  For dinner we headed to eat Mexican food out on the patio! 

The next day we went to the Indoor Safari Park.  This is a great place because it is all enclosed and the kids can just run around anywhere.  They have to large play arenas with slides and ball pits.  They have a train they get to ride on (which Jackson is obsessed with) and electronic animals they get to ride on (Jackson is not a fan of these).  After playing for about 2 hours, we headed to the park for a picnic, where once again we picked the spot of the field trippers.  Since it was crowded we picked a quiet spot to have our lunch and only played for a few minutes then headed home.  That night we BBQ'd and just hung out!  It was so much fun!  Jackson and Charlotte had a blast playing in the suitcase and playing ring around the rosie outside.  It was so cute to watch them play together.  It makes me sad that we can't do it more often. 

I am so glad they got to come visit!  We had so much fun, and I look forward to when we can do it again!

Day out with Thomas

I found out from a friend of mine in MOPS that they were having a Day Out With Thomas in Grapevine.  Since Jackson is in love with trains right now we thought it would be a great thing to take him to.  Mason happened to be in town too, so we got him a ticket as well because he used to be a train enthusiast as well. 

We had a great time.  We got to ride a real train with Thomas at the front.  I think Jackson may have been a little young to get the full effect of it all, but he still seemed to have a good time.  After the train ride, we went to a room filled with train tables so he could play.  He loved this, maybe a little too much because he kept taking trains away from other kids so eventually we had to take him out and of course he was not too happy about that.  So what do we do, go let him pick a toy out from the giant Thomas souvenir shop.  He picked a Thomas bath toy that he loves and can't wait to take baths at night so he can play with his "choo choo". 

They also had a mini train pulled by a riding lawn mower that we got to ride.  He really enjoyed that.  After we were all finished we went to the Gaylord to have lunch with my MOPS friend and her family.  It was a great end to our day because they had electric trains running right next to where we ate so it kept the boys entertained while we got to relax a bit.  It was a fun day and look forward to doing it again next year (if Jackson still has his love for trains).