Sunday, April 15, 2012


I love this time of year!  The weather is starting to get really nice and Easter is always such a fun holiday.  Easter Sunday was a fun, but low key day at our house.  We all slept in, including Jackson, which was nice and refreshing.  The Easter bunny came to visit Jackson and left his basket on the table downstairs.  Craig got him from his bed and when he came down he could see his basket on the table and immediately spotted the trains and started saying "choo choo" from the top of the stairs.  He had so much fun digging through his basket to find all of his goodies.  He got to eat lots of "mimis"  (M&M's), eventually I had to take his eggs away because that's all he wanted to do.  I can't wait until he is a little bit older when he can start understanding the true meaning behind Easter!

We attempted to take pictures with the Easter bunny, but Jackson is not a fan of the big, giant bunny apparently because he did not want anything to do with it unless I was right there by his side.  We still got some pictures, because I want to be able to look back at these pictures!  My mother always has told me that I was scared of characters, so looks like Jackson might be taking after me. 

Trip to College Station

This last week we had a chance to head to College Station.  I had not been to visit in way too long.  Planned it with Erica so we could be there at the same time.  It was great to see her and the kiddos, especially since we had not seen them since we moved from San Antonio in July.  We went over to Hayley's and the let the kiddos play by the pool and they had lots of fun.  Jackson (used to playing by himself)  stayed close to his mommy the whole time and didn't ever venture to the pool.  Hayes and Jackson are only 11 days apart so it is always fun to get them together.  Though right now they don't really play together just around each other, one day they will be good buddies if we have anything to do with it. 

We also had a chance to go to dinner and meet up with Autumn and her family, Erica and her kiddos, and Pauline!  It was great for us to catch up while the kids all ran around.  After dinner we played around outside at the fountains.  Jackson had so much fun just being able to run around everywhere.  He did NOT want to leave and threw a huge fit when it was finally time to go.  He cried all the way back to GG's house.  We were able to get all the kids together (minus Campbell) for a few pictures so that was good! 

While we were in College Station we stayed at GG's house.  Jackson already loves his cousins so much, and it is fun to watch him interact with them.  The day we got there Jackson was playing by himself because the kids were still at school.  When Mason got home from school and walked in the door, Jackson had the most priceless reaction, I wish I would have gotten it on camera.  He smiled and started giggling it was the cutest thing ever.  They are such good buddies. 

While we were at GG's she surprised him with an Easter basket full of goodies.  He loved it!  There was even a "choo choo" movie which he watched almost immediately with Mason his train buddy.

We also did a quick little Easter egg hunt since we were not together on Easter.  Jackson is still not quite sure what to do on the egg hunt.  He would pick up an egg and just sit there and try to open it.  So needless to say he didn't get very many eggs in his basket.  It is still so much fun to watch  him try and figure it out.  I am sure next year he will have it down. 

It is always so good to see everyone when we are there, and I am so glad we got to spend some time with the Listi's.  Sad to leave, but look forward to the next time we get to go for a visit. 

25 Weeks

Well, I am just moving right along with this pregnancy!  It is going so fast.  I was so anxious during the pregnancy with Jackson and ready for things to move along.  Now with this one, I need it to slow down!  Too much stuff still to do.  At least it is another boy so we pretty much have everything we need.  It's just so hard for me to imagine our little baby Jackson as a big brother, but I know he will be a great one and they will be getting into lots of trouble together before I know it. 

I passed my gestational diabetes test!! WooHoo, bring on the candy ;).  I feel like I am so much bigger than last time, but of course I didn't take pictures so I have nothing to compare to.  Weight wise though I have not gained as much so far. 

This is me at 25 weeks.  The picture does not do portray how I really look very well, because I am way bigger!  Not sure what is going on with the camera, but I like it ;).